Tuesday 18 October 2016


Photo by Ivan Matlhare

The University of Botswana’s department of Environmental Health graduates part ways with the school during the graduation ceremony over the weekend at University of Botswana stadium.
Upon the celebration the president of the Republic of Botswana Dr Lieutenant General Seretse Ian Kgama  said enrolling under this course is one of the best choices one makes since 70.5 per cent  of their graduates gets employed and not roaming the streets.

Dr. Bontle Mbongwe of the Department of Environmental Health , told the students that they had made the right choice to have enroll for environmental and occupational health courses . Because their graduates were highly marketable,  she said students who graduated from their department were offered a solid background in that they had received skills that could be applied in day to day life. In the past people assumed that environmental and occupational health graduates were only employed at councils but little they knew that the reality was that they got employment in other sectors as well in addition to self-employment.

With high hopes and dreams of taking on the world, we at Health Mates wishes our graduates a safe journey and may the key to success unlock their long struggle from book slavery.

Photo By Kgosi Mogodu

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