Thursday 20 October 2016


By: Kutlo Moilwa

We all deserve a little bit of relaxation from all the daily routines we go through in life and of course that does not only involve hours of sleep. Although some people have serious sleep issues that require medical attention, I have decided to bring forth some few hints tat can help most of us have the restful sleep we need:

Take your sleep seriously, be intentional about getting adequate sleep and rest each night, Develop regular sleep patterns, try to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time even on weekends.

Do not go to sleep on full stomach, develop the routine of a light evening meal and avoid food for at least two hours prior to going to bed, avoid caffeinated beverages, as caffeine  is a stimulant and may keep one awake.

Lastly avoid stressful situations before going to bed, resolve family disagreement during daylight hours not at bedtime. Insomnia is a world-wide phobia that needs to be resolved in a comprehensive manner.

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