Thursday, 20 October 2016


BY: Ikanyeng Simololang

In Botswana, during summer heat waves can strike areas of the country where cooler climates are the norm. In these areas, many homes do not have air conditioning and surviving in the extreme temperatures become a challenge for everyone. The following steps can help you keep cool during a heat wave even if you have an air conditioned home.

1. Take advantage of cooling power of water -Fill buckets or basins and soak your feet. Wet towels and bandannas can have a cooling effect when worn on the shoulders or head. Take cool showers or baths, and consider using a spray bottle filled with cold water for refreshing spritzes throughout the day.

2. Head downstairs-Since hot air rises, the upper stories of a home will be warmer than the ground floor. A basement can be a cool refuge from the midday heat.

3. Eliminate extra sources of heat- Incandescent light bulbs can generate unnecessary heat, as can computers or appliances left running. Eat fresh foods that do not require you to use the oven or stove to prepare.

4. Remember to maintain an adequate level of hydration - You'll need to consume more water than you usually do when it's hot. If you're sweating profusely, you will also need to replace electrolytes by eating a small amount of food with your water or by drinking specially-formulated electrolyte replacement drinks. Thirst is the first sign of dehydration; you should drink sufficient amounts of fluids before you feel thirsty in order to prevent dehydration.

5. Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine, as both of these substances can act as diuretics and promote dehydration.

6. For a homemade "air conditioning" system, sit in the path of a box fan that is aimed at an open cooler, or pan filled with ice.

7. Try to visit public buildings with air conditioning during the hottest hours of the day if the heat becomes unbearable. Libraries, shopping malls, and movie theaters can all be good places to cool down.

8. Don't eat large, protein-rich meals that can increase metabolic heat and warm the body.

9. Be able to recognize the symptoms of heat-related illnesses and true heat emergencies (heat cramps, heat rash, heat exhaustion, heat stroke). Call emergency services (911) in the event of a heat emergency and try to cool the victim until help arrives.

10. Finally, remember that pets also suffer when the temperature rises. Cooling animals (dogs, rabbits, cats) by giving them a "cool" bath or shower will help keep their body temperature down. A cool towel on a tile floor to lie on, a cool towel or washcloth lying over the skin next to a fan will also help cool the animal. Make sure they have plenty of cool water to drink as well.



BY: Ikanyeng Simololang
Blood pressure is the force your blood exerts on the walls of your arteries, the blood vessels that carry oxygen –rich blood away from your heart. When your heart beat and forces more blood into your arteries, the force is a little higher, this is called your systolic pressure. Between beats, the pressure drops this is called your diastolic pressure.
Tips for keeping normal blood pressure
Getting older, having diabetes and having a family of diabetes are some of the factors that increase your risk for high blood pressure but you can fight back through the following measures;
  • Exercise
  • Loss excess weight
  • Eat healthy
  • Put the brakes on smoking and drinking of alcohol beverages

Jogging can help to keep the body free from diseases as the blood vessels and veins

Photo Credit: Louis Jalon