Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Salt is a commonly used in most meals, either at restaurants, there is more to  what we call as an ingredient, scientifically  Salt (NaCl) is a natural mineral made up of white cube-shaped crystals composed of two elements, sodium and chlorine.

Salt has various side effects if taken in large amounts


If salt is taken in large amounts,eating salt raises the amount of sodium in your bloodstream and wrecks the delicate balance, reducing the ability of your kidneys to remove the water. Over time this large amount of water in the kidneys cause distraction to the kidney its self, leading to kidney disease and kidney stones

Renal stones are relatively common. Over a lifetime, women and men will have renal stones at least once. Although common, renal stones are painful and can cause nausea, difficulty passing urine and may progress to kidney disease if there is a blockage.

·         The heart

The extra blood pressure caused by eating too much salt puts extra strain on the insides of your arteries. This stops them from performing their primary function of supplying parts such as the heart with oxygen, this can be deadly as it can cause stroke.

This is why we recommend that you take salt at less amounts salt and also go to check if your blood pressure is not high nor lower in all clinics of Botswana this service is free nation wide

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